Hotel and Building Automation

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Products features

Characteristics and functions of Altecon's building and hotel automation solutions.


IP communication Bus

The communications Bus is based on IP, that brings a single cable into the room supporting a number of services.

Energy saving

Adopting a Building and Hotel Automation solution brings many advantages to the user. The most important is the energy saving that comes from a more accurate utilization of power.


The system is modular: additional modules can be added in the time, to easily build a solution that responds to the user's changing needs.

Interfacing capability

Altecon automation solutions can be interfaced with third parties solutions, e.g. hotel accounting packages.


Security is a fundamental factor. Different technical solutions are adopted to guarantee the maximum level of security.


Hotel and building automation solutions (Service Hotel and Tecno Service) can coexist on the same hardware, to provide the user with all the functions he needs.

Wireless devices

Sfruttare le potenzialità delle tecnologie wireless semplifica la progettazione dell'impianto ed il cablaggio, fattore importante soprattutto nelle strutture in via di ristrutturazione.